Step 1:
School registration
Registration is $25 PER SCHOOL (flat fee!) regardless of the number of students attending.
You may register as many students as you wish, but we will ask for student information after school registration so that we may provide Zoom links and other relevant information as the event nears.
Please note: student participants will not be able to register for Author Sessions until payment is made in full for the school.
*If you have been approved to register individually, please fill out the school registration form and follow all of the steps below.
**When paying with credit card, please include a note indicating the school and contact name to attach to the payment.
You may register as many students as you wish, but we will ask for student information after school registration so that we may provide Zoom links and other relevant information as the event nears.
Please note: student participants will not be able to register for Author Sessions until payment is made in full for the school.
*If you have been approved to register individually, please fill out the school registration form and follow all of the steps below.
**When paying with credit card, please include a note indicating the school and contact name to attach to the payment.
Cavalcade of Authors West 2021 School Registration
If the credit card you are using for the PayPal payment is not in the same name as the contact above, please send an email to [email protected] so we can match the payment to the school--indicate the school name and contact name.
Once school payment has been verified, you will receive an email from COA West with a link to the Student Registration form. Students will provide their contact information and indicate their top five author choices. Choices are not guaranteed.