Cavalcade of Authors WEst 2020
DATE: Saturday, May 9, 2020
TIME: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM (doors open at 8:15)
LOCATION: Curtis Junior High, Tacoma, WA
Registration Opens November 1, 2019
Schools will register on first come, first serve basis
Student workshop registration will occur after schools have paid in full for all participants
There are no limits to the number of students you can register (new this year!)
Who's Coming?
Watch our Authors & Workshops page to see our biggest and best line-up yet
How Much?
Student attendees are $20 each; each school can bring two chaperones at no cost
2020 Documents
Find promotional posters and the Student Workshop Registration Worksheet on our Documents page
Books, Books, Books!
Barnes & Noble will once again be our onsite bookseller.
New this year: a pre-reservation option through school librarians/teachers (more details soon!)